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Many of my clients have expressed their willingness to talk with prospective new students. I have their names and contact information available for you on a List of References.
Feel free to email me and request that list!


"With Karen, I discovered that I learn best when I'm having fun and laughing a lot. It also helps when things are colorful and entertaining. This is exactly how it is in Karen's program!"


"As a result of Karen's program, I've come to realize that being dyslexic isn't some weird, shameful secret that I have to hide. It's part of who I am, and I'm no longer shy about it. I'm so much more confident now!"


"Karen's program helps me every day, in school and out.


I can finally read, spell, and write like everyone else."

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"Before I started tutoring, I felt stupid. I couldn't read and I was depressed.


Working with Karen changed my life. I am so lucky that I met her!"

"If I hadn’t had this tutoring, I would still be stuck in a hole with spelling.


But as a result of doing Karen's program, words make sense now!


I wish everybody could learn this way."


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"Now I can help others in my class with spelling!


Not only can I can tell them how to spell a word, but why we spell it that way."

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"Here’s what I have to say to someone who needs Karen’s tutoring, like I did:


JUST DO IT. You’ll be glad you did!”

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"Karen taught our son to advocate for himself and equipped him for his high school AP courses.


He would not be succeeding like he is today without Karen’s tutoring program."


"I have an amazing friend named Karen who tutored me and taught me how words work.


They should teach English this way in school.


Then everybody would feel smart!"

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"I worked hard in Karen’s program, and I gradually learned to read. Now, I can even read aloud in class!


When the teacher asks, “Can anyone read this for us?” I actually volunteer as a challenge for myself."


"Karen is teaching the EngIlish language the way it’s supposed to be taught.


Her approach is amazing.


It changed our granddaughter's life!"



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"Our son not only struggled with reading and spelling but also with severe anxiety.


Karen gave him the tools AND the confidence he needs to succeed in school.


She is an exceptional tutor."

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“I thought tutoring would be a waste of time. Instead, it made my life better! I’m so grateful that I completed Karen’s program.”

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"For years, our son had been so frustrated at school as a result of dyslexia.


Karen’s positive, creative teaching gave our son the skills he needed to succeed."


"Our dyslexic daughter went from being an insecure girl who didn’t like to read, to a confident teenager who

is thriving and loves to read!


We are eternally grateful to Karen."

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"It was scary when our son was diagnosed with dyslexia. But Karen helped to educate us about dyslexia and showed us how to advocate for our son. Working with her gave us confidence and peace of mind."

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"As a special education advocate, I have recommended Karen Isaacson to numerous clients, and all have come back to me raving about her.


She is indeed someone special."

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"You gave me a better understanding of Dyslexia and what that means to my daughter. That has been priceless. Thank you for being my teacher!"


"I think Karen deserves a medal for helping me get through the Barton program.


It's called the National Helping Weston Award!"


"Thanks to Karen, reading and spelling and challenges don't hold me back anymore.


I am writing articles for my school newspaper now!"




When you do lessons with Karen, you will learn things that others don't know. 


It will put you ahead of the game!

When you do lessons with Karen, you will learn things that others don't know. 


It will put you ahead of the game!


We never thought JonJon would be able to read like this!


Karen, you came to us in a time of darkness and great need, and our hearts are full of gratitude.

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"Karen not only taught our daughter to read.


She helped relieve her anxiety and boost her self-esteem.


Karen is dear to us in more ways than we can count."

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"Doing lessons with Karen was fun. We developed a special bond.


Now that I have graduated from her program, I have more confidence and I am ready for high school."


"Reading was hard for me at first.

But now I read with so much expression, that Karen says I sound like a real actress!"


"I'm grateful that Karen has taught me how to figure out long, complicated words. The teachers at school don't explain these things to us."


"Her stories taught me how to be a good actor when I read. I feel more confident now and can read
with expression when I read out loud."

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