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School Accommodation List

The following accommodations and modifications will help to level the playing field and allow dyslexic students an equal opportunity to succeed in demonstrating what they are capable of:


1. Homework load: Shorten the assignments as needed, while still demonstrating content mastery.

2. Oral testing: Offer oral testing in place of written tests. Read the test questions and allow the student to answer verbally. This is a far more accurate way to assess what a dyslexic student knows.

3. Untimed Tests: If the student must take a written test, remove the time constraint.

4. Eliminate spelling tests: Spelling tests are virtually useless to dyslexic students. They will spend excessive amounts of time studying, only to forget; those words the following week.

5. No public reading: Please do not call on the student to read out loud in class.

6. Audio books: Allow audio books for “ear-reading” in place of “eye-reading.” This equally legitimate form of reading allows dyslexic students to can take in information more quickly and accurately.

7. Dictated assignments: Allow the student to dictate their answers to a scribe, in class or at home.

8. Spelling doesn’t count: Grade on the content of the student’s work, not on spelling or handwriting.

9. Copying tasks: Allow them to take photos of the board or other information instead of hand-copying.

10. Alternate assignments: Allow creative projects in place of written work, to demonstrate understanding of the material.

11. Assistive technologyAllow the use of electronic devices to assist with spelling and reading

12. Alphabetical order: Avoid tasks involving alphabetization (arranging word lists in alphabetical order, or looking things up in the dictionary).

13. Peer grading: Don’t allow other students to grade a dyslexic student’s papers.

14. Avoid spelling bees or public spelling demonstrations

15. Returning homework: Give graded assignments back to a dyslexic students privately, if there are markings, grades, or comments that they would not be proud of.

16. Seat the student within easy sight of the board. Ask them where they feel most comfortable.


Adapted and reprinted by permission of Susan Barton, Bright Solutions For Dyslexia, Inc.

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